Club Holds Silent Book Auction

The August meeting of the Noel Woman's Club was called to order by President Dot. The Pledge of Allegiance and Lord's Prayer were recited. Roll call was taken with 16 members present. The minutes were read by Secretary Debbie. The treasurer's report was given by Bonnie. Thank you notes were read from Lea, Noel School and College of the Ozarks for a scholarship for a Noel graduate.

Jesse James Days was discussed with members volunteering their time to work the booth we will be having there. Two wreaths, along with a blanket and several other items were raffled off or sold in the booth.

Dot reported on the pop-up covers she bought for us to use at outdoor activities. It will make a much better booth.

Birthdays this month are Gladys and Faye. Happy Birthday to both!

The program was a silent book auction. Members bought books with the proceeds going into the general fund for community projects.

Hostesses this month were Peggy Johnston and Linda Jefferson. They served wonderful refreshments which we all enjoyed.

If you are interested in becoming a member or just would like to see what the club does, call Dot at 475-5043 or Melissa at 475-3599.

General News on 08/17/2017