Adultry Kills The Seeds Of Marriage

Don Kuehle

Good Thinking

We were walking through a Royal Garden outside of Copenhagen, Denmark, admiring the beautiful flowers and the fragrant aroma of the herbs. Our guide told us the remarkable story of how these flowers and herbs came to be there -- this Garden had once been a monastery; the monks had raised flowers for their beauty and herbs for medicinal purposes.

When they were digging the foundation for a new building on these grounds, they unearthed a trove of seeds. When exposed to sunlight and rain, the seeds grew into what we were presently admiring. A tribute to the fact that whenever God creates something, He creates it to last. Whenever God created the family and designed marriage, he created them to last. That's why God commanded "Do not commit adultery!" Adultery tears the family apart and destroys marriage.

In marriage, God gives the couple packets of "seeds" -- flower seeds for beauty and herbs for wholeness and health. We are to continue to cultivate and nurture these seeds throughout our marriage; we are to prune them and weed them so that they keep on growing. These packets of "seeds" are labeled LOVE, FAITHFULNESS, TRUST, and COMMITMENT. These seed packets are given to us by God; whenever we grow these seeds in our marriage relationship, our family will be beautiful, will be happy and healthy, and will last for eternity!

Seeds of LOVE. The Apostle Paul describes True Love --- A) Love is patient. Plant any kind of seed and it will take a long time to grow to its full potential; so it is with a marriage. B). Love is never jealous; love always trusts the others in our family. C). Love does not become irritable. We are all unique and different; so, we should allow the other members of our family to be themselves; and not to expect them to act and react like we want them to. D). Love is never arrogant or rude; love is always courteous and kind. E). Love does not insist on its own way; love is never about satisfying yourself. F). Love stands up under all the pressures of family life. G) Love never quits -- no matter what!

Seeds of TRUST. I believe in you. I trust that you will do what is right and that I can depend on you. I trust that you will keep the vows we made to each other, to love, honor & respect each other.

Seeds of FAITHFULNESS. I will be loyal to you forever, and will be steadfast in my affection for you; I will never leave you, nor forsake you; I will stand by you through all of life's ups & downs. And I pray that you will be just as faithful to me.

Seeds of COMMITMENT. In marriage, we pledged our allegiance to one another; promised before God to stay together for the long haul.

Whenever we keep these seeds alive and well, our family will enjoy the most beautiful relationship this side of heaven. Plus, we will be happier, healthier, and much more satisfied.

ADULTERY kills these seeds and destroys family relationships. Adultery is any act that violates the marriage relationship and breaks the family ties that bind us together. Adultery involves developing a love relationship with someone who is not your spouse. Adultery is having a sexual encounter with a person other than your spouse. Those who commit adultery (a) are self-centered; (b) they no longer consider the feelings of other family members; (c) they tend to be unfaithful in other areas of life; and (d) they cannot be trusted, even beyond the marriage relationship.

SO, God commands us: "Do not commit adultery!" To do so is to tear apart and to destroy the most beautiful relationship I ever created! To be unfaithful to others is also to be unfaithful to Me!

Dr. Don Kuehle is a retired United Methodist who lives in Jackson.

Religion on 10/08/2015