Ruth -- Journey Of Love

"What wondrous love is this, O my soul, O my soul;

What wondrous love is this that caused the Lord of bliss

To bear the dreadful Cross for my soul, for my soul?"

The most beautiful "love story" in the Bible is found in the Book of Ruth!

Due to a famine in Israel, Elimelech and his wife Naomi, along with their two sons, Mahlon and Chilion, are forced to move to the country of Moab. A difficult decision because the people of Israel and the people of Moab are bitter enemies.

The family becomes settled in Moab. The two sons marry Moabite girls. Then tragedy strikes! Elimelech died. Naomi is left a widow. Ten years go by. Tragedy again! Both Mahlon and Chilion die, leaving behind new widows, Orpah and Ruth. With no ties left in Moab, Naomi decides to return to Israel. There is a deep love among the three widows and both Ruth and Orpah decide to go with Naomi. Wisely, Naomi tries to persuade them to stay in Moab because Naomi knows how hard it is to live in a foreign land. Orpah chooses to stay with her family in Moab. Ruth, however, chooses to go with Naomi to Israel. Her words show the depth of her love, "Where you go, I will go; and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people will be my people; and your God will be my God!" These words of Ruth are often used in marriage ceremonies to proclaim the love that a husband and wife have for one another.

The Book of Ruth shows the power of Godly love! God's love, shown through the lives of people, will overcome differences and will break down barriers! God's love, through Ruth, overcame family barriers, age differences, racial and cultural barriers and religious differences!

Family differences! Every family unit has differing traditions, differing ways of doing things. Friction often arises when one family cannot accept the traditions of the other family. Often, as well, there is a clash-of-wills. Every family has its strong-willed, hard-headed members. And whenever two strong-willed people cannot agree, trouble soon follows. Differences can lead to barriers!

Age differences! We grew up in a specific "time slot" and we reflect the thoughts and values to that particular "time." So, we become critical and judgmental of people who grew up in a different "time slot," and who think and act in ways we fail to understand. Age differences can become barriers!

Racial and cultural differences! Differences in color of skin. Differences in language. There are some 4,000 languages and dialects in our world. Differences in background and history shape the way we live. Differences in customs determine how we think and act. Race and culture can be barriers!

Religious differences! There are over 300 "religious denominations" in the United States. There are 22 Methodist "denominations." We do not always agree on how to interpret the Bible. We disagree over beliefs and practices. We cannot agree on how the church should be organized. We differ on the practice of baptism and holy communion. We disagree on the correct order of worship. These differences lead to religious barriers!

Ruth's love was so strong that it overcame all the barriers of family, barriers of age, barriers of race and culture and barriers of religion! Ruth is the perfect example of how God's love, working through a person, can overcome all differences in life and break down all the barriers that separate us from one another!

During our journey through Lent, let us allow God's love to fill our lives to overflowing; let us let God's love flow out from us to touch the lives of others; let's let the power of God's love overcome our differences and break down all the barriers.

"What wondrous love is this, O my soul O my soul..."

Religion on 03/19/2015