Unbelievable Headlines

We had unbelievable national headlines last week and our own Missouri headlines tried their best to keep up with the pace!

Nationally, the horrendous news regarding Planned Parenthood's practice of selling body parts took first place. I was stunned, like most of you, by the callous way the doctors discussed the killing, dismemberment, and sale of unborn children. I grew up during the '50s and '60s when the Nazi trials were still being held and there was no testimony I heard that was more horrible than what I heard last week. The truly sad thing is how our views of right and wrong have changed so drastically.

Picture your grandparents if someone told them 50 years ago that we would get to the point in our society where it was perfectly acceptable to murder babies and then butcher their bodies to harvest organs and parts to sell to the highest bidder. They didn't even get that far out in the old horror pictures! Make no mistake, there are plenty of people who will defend this god-awful practice as perfectly fine. Those who define a fetus as nothing more than "tissue" will argue that the organs harvested will help scientists discover wonderful cures to all the illnesses in creation. If that's what it's going to take to cure me, I'd rather stay sick!

There were nearly immediate committees formed in the House and Senate to investigate Planned Parenthood and determine what they were doing in Missouri. Attorney General Chris Koster has also opened an investigation. This is not a question of women's rights, it's a question of human rights. I can assure you that there will be several pieces of legislation drafted well before session convenes dealing with this situation. I'll bet there are some lively and heated discussions in committees and on the floor of the Senate and House. This is one subject that the public needs to become involved in.

Also last week we heard the investigation into the accusation that state Sen. Paul LaVota, (D.-Independence. Mo.) sexually harassed an intern was concluded. There was sufficient evidence to suggest that something did occur and as a result he has resigned his office, which is District 17. These allegations are deeply troubling and should not be tolerated on any level. We tried to pass a new ethics bill last session but failed to get enough support. I am hoping to help craft a new bill that addresses behavior as well as campaign finances. Any time men and women work together day in and day out there is going to be some social fraternizing -- but elected officials should hold themselves above any impropriety.

On a happier note, Dan Fuller of the Young Outdoorsmen United put together a Water and Canoe Safety event at Kozy Kamp in Pineville. The camp staff along with the Pineville Fire Department, Mayor Gregg Sweeten and Trooper W.L. Burr of the Highway Patrol Marine Operation trained kids in the safe operation of canoes, kayaks, and rafts. With the number of drownings in Missouri at an all time high, I can't think of a more timely event. Thanks to everyone who participated. By January my bill from last session will require the Highway Patrol to distribute printouts of the rules and regulations regarding the use of our rivers and waterways to all campgrounds and outfitters. I'm going to try next session to add safety rules to the printout.

Saturday afternoon we were at a 90th birthday celebration for the remarkable Jim Tatum. His family traveled from all over the country to be with him and friends and neighbors poured into the Community Center to honor him. Jerry and Faye Bonebrake presented him with the woodstove that once stood in his father's office in the 0ld Courthouse. It has been refurbished and will be placed in the museum exhibit on the second floor of the Historical Society Courthouse.

-- State Rep. Bill Lant may be reached by called 417-437-8223 or 573-751-9801, or emailing [email protected].

Editorial on 07/30/2015