Noel woman’s club discusses spring bakesale

The meeting of the Noel Woman's Club was held March 14, at Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. We recited the Pledge of Allegiance and Lord's Prayer. The meeting was called to order by President Hannah Barthlomew. Roll call was taken with eight members present. The minutes were read by Secretary Vicki Barth. A motion was made by Faye Davis and seconded By Beth Dodd to accept as read. Motion passed. The Treasurer's report was given by Treasurer Bonnie Leonard. Our Rags to Riches Flea Market booth had a good check this past month.

Under old business the programs for this year were passed out and reviewed.

We discussed the two scholarships we give each spring to Noel girls. They are $250 each and the application to apply is on the McDonald County High School web page. Those needing help with them can see the school counselors. We will select the recipients at our next meeting in April so they need to be filled out and submitted right away. Beth Dodd will put information on our Woman's Club facebook page for those who have questions about applying.

Under new business, we voted to donate to the Noel Primary School and the Noel Elementary School Libraries. It is our hope that the books this money is used for will be enjoyed by as many children as possible.

We discussed our Spring Bake Sale and will make a decision next month on a date.

Our program this month was the silent book auction and there were some great books to choose from. Thanks to everyone who contributed to that! We also discussed our favorite authors and books.

The hostess this month was Vicki Barth. The St Patrick's Day theme was carried out through the food and decorations as well as several members wearing "the green."

The next meeting will be April 12 and the hostesses will be Bonnie Leonard and Linda Jefferson. We invite you to join us if you are interested in becoming involved in the community. You may contact Hannah Barthlomew for more information at 417-475-7422.