'Offensive Salsa' Remains Bestseller

SALLY CARROLL/SPECIAL TO MCDONALD COUNTY PRESS LaSandra McKeever's "offensive salsa" is her best-seller--hands down, she said.
SALLY CARROLL/SPECIAL TO MCDONALD COUNTY PRESS LaSandra McKeever's "offensive salsa" is her best-seller--hands down, she said.

Customers often laugh out loud when they read LaSandra McKeever's salsa labels. They don't expect to find humor there, she said, smiling.

McKeever enjoys creating a variety of salsas, made from her farm's bounty. On any given Saturday, she can be found at Mountain Happenings at Sims Corner, selling those salsas, produce and more.

Her best-selling salsa is what she calls her "offensive salsa." "Hot and chunky, just like your mom," the label reads.

McKeever said customers enjoy perusing the various salsas, then often laugh when they read a label or two.

The popularity is a little astounding.

Over Mother's Day weekend, some people traveling through the area from Ohio happened upon the farmers market at Sims. They had been trying to find the perfect gift -- and bought the salsa, she said.

The salsa remains a best-seller throughout the year. People buy it for Christmas gifts, or just to enjoy.

One particular customer purchased a great deal from McKeever almost every week. He got in trouble with his wife because, apparently, he was buying too much, she said.

One week, he said he was only able to travel to Sims by motorcycle, so he couldn't buy as much to haul home. He still ended up buying a lot of salsa, which McKeever carefully wrapped and placed in his motorcycle bag, she said, laughing.

SALLY CARROLL/SPECIAL TO MCDONALD COUNTY PRESS LaSandra McKeever sells a variety of produce each Saturday at Mountain Happenings at Sims Corner. The farmers market usually starts around 10 a.m., but customers sometimes come early, due to the heat, she said.
SALLY CARROLL/SPECIAL TO MCDONALD COUNTY PRESS LaSandra McKeever sells a variety of produce each Saturday at Mountain Happenings at Sims Corner. The farmers market usually starts around 10 a.m., but customers sometimes come early, due to the heat, she said.