RELIGION: Be Encouraged, God Has Your Back

Since we have all felt the effect of the coronavirus and flu virus, churches have been slowed or stopped from gathering. So, I decided to just pick one of our old articles at random and resubmit it. I pray you will be blessed by this message from our Pastor Bob Cartwright. One thing we all know, God's word is never old or out of date. While we are waiting for the passing of this evil disease, many are homebound. We want to give you this message of encouragement.

We heard this message on the 24th day of January 2019. We wished a very blessed 39th anniversary for Sister Jeannie and Brother Randy Richardson. The faithfulness of this couple, concerning the service of the Lord, is nothing short of amazing. They are always here and ready to do the Lord's work. We pray they will have many more precious years.

We appreciate Brother Randy's dedication as the song leader at the Cove. I was very happy to be in the house of the Lord this Sunday. My life has taken a very different direction since my husband has been in the nursing home. So, of course, I needed this message on encouragement.

Sister Naomi sang a song titled "Beautiful Rose." When she came to the end of the song, she asked the congregation to join in singing the old chorus, "It's beginning to Rain." She spoke from her heart about Satan's attack on God's people. We all know that we are made overcomers by the word of our testimony. We need to turn our face to the heavens and praise our Almighty God for the wonderful things He has done for us.

Look around, what do you see? Crime, murder, unrest and problems too numerous to mention. This is the result of a world that has given over to the things of this world controlled by Satan. He is very real but we serve a God that has given us power over that old devil who wants to destroy us. Be encouraged as our sister proclaimed. Don't be discouraged because we serve a God who allows us to see beyond the evil and assures us that He is in control. We can rebuke the attacks of Satan and rejoice in victory.

Contrary to the news of those who fail to see the light, and are overcome with fear of what is around them. During this time of such threats when the lives of the nation are in danger, it is hard to have faith that God is not dead; He's still alive and on the throne. There was a continuation of this line of thought by the message delivered by Pastor Bob Cartwright. He asked questions such as, "Do we realize that we can receive the good news and stand upon the promises in the word of God?" His word is forever and never changes. It is not how we start this race; it is how we finish. We must never give up.

Some say they do not need to attend church to be a Christian. That just won't work. We draw encouragement from those with whom we worship. I thank God every day for our people and the beautiful building where we can come together and sing praises to our heavenly Father. Pastor gave us a scripture in Numbers, chapter 13, beginning with the 17th verse. This account is very inspiring in that Moses told the children of Israel to go into the land which they were promised and find more than enough to give them a blessed life.

He told the people to be of good courage and bring forth the fruit of the land. Verse 23 speaks of a cluster of grapes so huge that they had to cut a branch and it took two men to carry it. You see, when God is on the scene, there is no end to the blessings we are granted. Never give up because of the things seen by the human eye. Victory is just ahead.

The next testimony of God's fulfilled word is spoken about in verse 27, they called this place a "Land of Milk and Honey." Then they looked around at the tribes that dwelt in the land and decided that these were strong men of great stature and they were afraid to go against them. They gave the people of Israel an evil report concerning these giants, so as to discourage them. This is a very informative story, and I encourage you to read the entire chapter to see what God can and will do for you if we will obey his instructions.

In 1st Samuel, chapter 30, beginning with the first verse, we read what one man can accomplish when he follows the path of righteousness. David was told to go and perform a task that seemed impossible. When he listened and took action, everything fell in place, and he did as he was instructed and he recovered more than he had in the beginning. Remember, though he was a small man, he slew the giant. You see, as Pastor has said many times, when we step out in faith, we are met by our God who never fails.

In closing, Pastor Bob told us that God is looking for a people on whom he can depend. Can he depend on you? Can you slay the giant in your life? "Who is on the Lord's side among us?" Be encouraged in the face of these trying times for the battles are not ours; they belong to God.

We welcome everyone who would like to hear more of the word of God. Come worship with us at the Cove Mission of Hope on Sunday 10:30 a.m., again at 6 p.m. and at 6 p.m. on Wednesday for Bible Study. We are the church at the top of the hill with a steeple pointing souls to Heaven in Lanagan, Mo.

Opinions expressed are those of the author.

Religion on 03/26/2020