RELIGION: Who Are You in the Eyes of God?

Our song Sunday morning was sung by Sister's Naomi, Louine and Joyce. The title is a statement that should be in the heart of all Christians. "My God is Real" is an old hymn that has been heard and sang by many, but I can't help but wonder did we really listen to the words? Especially the line that states, "My God is real for He has washed and made me whole."

That's a powerful claim and, if you can say this, you are truly among those who are chosen by our Lord. The only way you can become a child of God is if you are beckoned by the Spirit of the Holy Ghost. This is not only an honor but it comes by accepting Christ who died for our sins and the Father who created us. So if you are called as one of those given the opportunity to accept this way of faith, you will show changes and live a life pleasing to the Lord.

Where did you come from? Genesis 1:31 teaches us of the Garden of Eden and of the betrayal of Adam and Eve. God made this earth in six days, and the seventh day he sanctified as a day of rest. Genesis 1:2 shows us a picture of an earth that was without form. Think about it, in just six days he created all the beauty of the land, grass, mountains, rivers and every other part of our world. Then He gave light and called it day and dark He called night. What an awesome God we serve.

In verse 27, He tells us where we came from. So God created man in his own image, man and woman he formed from the dust of the earth. Genesis 28:10 starts telling us the account of Jacob and Esau; they were twins but followed very different paths. You see, we are as they, and we should choose the path we need to travel. That is how we find ourselves. We must listen to the instruction of our Father as these brothers did. We are often led in wrong directions by trying to do things our way. You have to be still and hear the voice of the Lord. He knows your future and will give you a blessed and happy path if you will just put Him first. We need our quiet time so we can pray and study the word. This is the only way to know the will of God and the direction He has chosen for our life. When was the last time you knelt down and tarried before the Lord and asked Him what He would have you do? He tells us that they will wait upon the Lord will renew their strength.

Now back to the brothers, Jacob left and went far from his home and even though he made mistakes along the way, God never left him alone. When he finally yielded to the will of God and returned home, he found the love of his family was still there. You may sometimes take the long way home, but look upward and ask God to help you find that road that you once walked.

Again Pastor reminded us that we need to search ourselves and find who we are with the Father. Are we as Jacob, wandering through life lost and unsettled? It's time we returned to the house of the Lord and worship him in spirit and in truth. You cannot lie to God for He sees your every deed and hears your every thought. Wow, does that make you want to get a little closer and lay aside those sins that so easily beset you?

Pastor Bob always tells us that we are the church and, when we come together to worship, we should encourage one another and lift up the name of Jesus. It seems that Satan will pull every trick he can to keep us out of church. I know that we have been told to stay home due to the danger of the covid-19 virus, but we can be very careful and come together. We have to have faith that God will protect his children from this terrible plague. It is surely time for us to return to our life as normally as possible. It's your choice and we honor the stand that you take; just be sure you are hearing what the Lord tells you to do.

In closing, Pastor told us of a brother he knew years ago, who referred to Genesis, chapter 3. He remarked that this is where the fall of man began. God gave Adam and Eve a perfect place to abide and told them they were not to eat of the tree in the middle of the garden. Guess what? That old serpent, Satan came to tempt them and lied about what would happen if they ate of this tree. Then they disobeyed what God instructed and that was the start of a sinful world that had no hope until Christ came to save us and set us free. I pray you got something out of this article that will cause you to ask yourself, "Who am I in the sight of God?"

If you would like to hear more of the word preached in an old-fashioned church, come to the Cove Mission of Hope in Lanagan, Mo. We would love to have you and I know you would be blessed. Our services are on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. We also have Bible study at 6 p.m. on Wednesday night.

Opinions expressed are those of the author.