RELIGION: Learn to Please God with Right Living

We are so fortunate to have our church in which to worship. I often look in awe at what God has done for us. We had services in our old building and, though God's spirit was working and souls were saved, I have to say that it is a real blessing to have our place of worship called The Church at the Top of the Hill.

I especially want to give thanks to our pastor for a beautiful wooden cross that is lighted and hangs behind the pulpit. He not only cut the lumber but built it with love and it reflects what wonderful pastors, Brother Bob and Sister Naomi Cartwright are to us. When I walk in and see that cross, it reminds me that our dear savior died on a cross to make a way for us to claim salvation and eternal life with God. God is so good.

We had visitors this morning. Sister Naomi's sister and brother-in-law were here from Kansas -- so good to see Viola and Gary. Brother Wesley and Sister Thelma Roberson also blessed us with their presence, also Sean and his family brought Dillon Cartwright with them. That gave great joy to their grandparents. Songs were "Please Search the Book," sung by Sisters Naomi, Linda, Geneva, Louine and Joyce. What a message in song!

Pastor began his sermon with the statement that He was going to continue with using the letters of Christian to tell how each one could be an example of what is expected of a child of God. He gave the letter 'C' as commitment and 'H' as Hope last week. This week he gave us the letter 'R' to represent Right. There are so many who have no idea what is right. They have failed to search the word and find the will of the Father. Righteousness, we are told is another word for right living. Just remember that what you practice is what you become. The choice is 100 percent yours.

In Proverbs, chapter 16, verse 25, we find that there is a way that seems right to man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. That is why the Bible says study the word to show yourself approved by the Lord. Wrong is not going to produce blessings and peace that come only from the Father. We can grant you a life with him always there to help you through every problem. Just be aware that what you sow is what you will reap. Prayer is our contact with God. Often, we are like children and ask for things that are not in our best interest. When our children ask over and over for an item, we melt and give in. This is because we want to make them happy. This is a big mistake just as asking God for things that he might allow us to have and we soon realize that it was a bad request. The way of a Christian must be one of right thinking and allowing God's will to be done in our lives.

Matthew, chapter 25, verse 31, explains, "Your walk with the Lord will be filled with temptations. Satan will do all he can to lead you astray." We must have enough of the word that, when he comes up with a problem, we can reply with scripture.

In closing Pastor had this to say, "R" is for right and that is what God expects from his people.

If you want to hear what the next letter will teach us, come next Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and listen to the message delivered by Pastor Bob Cartwright. We are, as I said, the church in Lanagan, Mo., on the hill with a steeple pointing souls to Calvary. We also have a 6 p.m. service and Bible study at 6 p.m. Wednesday. So take time to search the word with us and learn the right ways to be pleasing in the sight of the Lord. You are always welcome at the Cove. We send prayers for you to have a wonderful week.

Opinions expressed are those of the author.

Religion on 02/20/2020