RELIGION: Real Love Can't Be Seen Without Giving

As we gathered to worship Sunday morning at Mill Creek Baptist Church, Wayne Emanuel was celebrating a birthday and David and Kitty Collingsworth were celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary. Doug Cory greeted the congregation, and special prayers were requested for Jim Roberts, Mildred Sharp, the James Shaver family, the Jeannie Martin family, Marvin, Skip McKenna, Harry Gann, Randy, Lindsey, unspoken, Gene Hall and Don and Janet Chaney. Linda Abercrombie expressed thanks to Darlene Mitchell for the beautiful flowers in the sanctuary. The business meeting will be held on Sunday, Aug. 23.

Rick Lett taught the adult Sunday school lesson, "Accepting Discipline," with scripture study from Proverbs 29:1-3, 12-20. God uses discipline from society, family and others to shape His people. The lesson told us that "the word of God is the standard by which all human conduct and opinions should be tried, and gracious but firm discipline may be the most loving posture parents can take toward their children."

Linda shared a devotional, "Guard Rails," and read Philippians 4:6-7. The devotional reminded us, "Don't worry about everything, pray about everything." Like the railing on a baby's bed keeps them from rolling out at night, we can roll into worrisome thoughts at night. Roll over, go to sleep, pray simply and thank God for all that is good in your life. God can give us a guard rail of peace if we allow Him. His peace will guard our hearts and minds. Linda shared a borrowed quote, "If you are going to worry, don't pray. If you pray, don't worry."

Congregational hymns included "Wonderful Words of Life" and "Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul," led by Karen Gardner with Susan Cory at the piano. Special praise music came from Jerry Abercrombie as he sang, "I Know Who Holds Tomorrow."

Brother Mark Hall brought us God's message, "Even Me," a message of salvation from John 3:16-18. Brother Mark told us that we all have dreams and plans as a young person and then, when we get older, we sometimes get a nasty dose of reality. He told us that those three verses may be the most important verses and the least understood in the Bible. Brother Mark talked about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"The bread is the most important part of the sandwich because it gives you something to hold on to and it holds it all together just like God's love that we hold on to and helps us hold it all together."

As Brother Mark read John 3:16-18, he talked about what God did, what He didn't do and why.

"God loved us so much that He gave His only begotten son. Why? Because He loves us. Because of that sacrifice, we can receive the greatest gift of everlasting life. We can't see real love, without giving. That was the sacrifice God made for us. All we have to do to get that everlasting life is to just believe in Jesus."

Second, Brother Mark talked about what God didn't do. "He didn't send Jesus to condemn the world. Why does the world think He did. Maybe because as Christians, we spend a lot of time condemning the world instead of talking about salvation. We tend to make snap judgments about others. God loves them, too, just as much as He does us -- just like a parent loves all of their children even though they may all be different."

Third, Brother Mark referred to Hebrews 12:5-11 and talked about the discipline of God. "When God takes you to His woodshed, He tries to turn you away from wicked ways because He loves you. Remember John 3:16. If you believe in your heart that God gave His son on the cross for you so you could be saved, then you are saved. If you don't believe that, God doesn't condemn you, you condemn yourself. Have you made that public confession that you believe?"

Our hymn of invitation was "Amazing Grace." and Wayne Holly gave the benediction.

We invite you to worship with us at Mill Creek Baptist Church Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. Sunday school begins at 10 a.m. Mill Creek Baptist Church is located 3 1/2 miles east of Noel just off Highway 90. Everyone is welcome. This is the 116th year of worship at Mill Creek, but due to the pandemic, Homecoming for this year has been canceled.

Opinions expressed are those of the author.