OPINION: Someone warned this would happen

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years" -- Alexander Fraser Tytler (1747-1813).

There is quite a debate as to whether Tytler or de Tocqueville was the one that made this profound statement. But, whoever said it first, they were darn smart because that pretty much sums up where we are right now in this country.

I have been following closely the circus that is otherwise known as the Democratic Presidential primary. And, it sure seems that almost all of the couple dozen candidates are trying to out promise the others with all of the "free" stuff they will deliver Americans (and illegal immigrants) if they are the next president.

I have written about this before, but it seems that it is now bordering on ludicrous and lunacy on the part of what should be reasonably intelligent people. Sadly, some of them believe in what they are saying, but I have to think that most of them know that they cannot afford the promised programs -- even if they taxed every dollar of the "rich." They just want to be elected.

Which gets to my next point. I am pretty offended that a bunch of pampered, sheltered, self-absorbed liberal elitists think that they can insult my intelligence by saying that they are "for" the middle class. Even "middle class" Joe Biden increased his income last year by $10.5 million and he thinks he can understand the struggles of everyday Americans.

Okay liberals, go ahead with your stock rebuttal of "well what about Trump?" I don't remember him claiming to be middle class or to really understand what it is to live paycheck to paycheck. He just wants to improve the economy for everyone.

But the liberal elitists would have you to believe that they understand being middle class. Maybe once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away; but today every one of the Democratic candidates is a millionaire or multi-millionaire, so don't patronize me with your backstories in an attempt to connect with the "real Americans."

Old socialist Bernie keeps railing on about Wall Street and the rich that are making money off the stock market. I guess someone should give him an economics lesson. Anyone who has a 401k, IRA or some other similar type of retirement plan (which is a very large portion of everyday Americans) are benefiting greatly from the current economic boon. It is not just the "rich" (however that is currently defined).

It doesn't matter whether it was a wise Scotsman (Tytler) or Frenchman (de Tocqueville) who made the statement about the dangers of "bribing" the voters with their own money. Either way, they foresaw our future from the 18th century. Only we can prove them wrong -- but I'm not too confident we will do that.

Kevin Wilson is a former state representative who was born in Goodman and now lives in Neosho. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

Editorial on 07/18/2019