Letter to Editor

Thursday, August 2, 2018

To the distinguished members of the Foreign Relations Committee in Washington, D.C.

I recently watched your meetings on C-Span concerning the use of tariffs and their detrimental effects on our economy and relations with our allies. I was extremely pleased to see such bipartisan work being done by your committee.

I also believe that these tariffs are hurting us now and will hurt our nation even more in the future when we lose market share. Congress must step up and exert its constitutional authority over trade and protect our people. Congress must not abdicate that authority to this administration or any other.

Again, please let me thank you for putting the American people before party. I am an old retired soldier and it does my heart good to see our elected representatives do the job they were sent to Washington to do.

James P. Gann

U.S. Army Retired


Editorial on 08/02/2018