Thanksgiving Thoughts

"They knelt and prayed beneath the open sky,

When first they landed on that rocky shore;

Their hearts were full, and each gave thanks to God

In his own way -- for that was why they came;

To meet God in the way they thought was right,

Not just on Sundays, nor in church alone.

But always, everywhere, they thought of Him,

They felt that all the world was his abode;

That they were guests within their Father's house,

So, reverently, as behooves a guest,

They remembered His ways and walked in them.

God prospered them and made this nation great!

And that is why it is that every year

We set aside this one day for thanking Him

For all the things he has done for us!

We count our blessings, and if we are wise,

We will show our gratitude by sharing them,

With those less fortunate than we;

Remembering that all things come from God,

That to his mercy and his grace we owe our lives,

Our substance, every breath we draw, and

All we have and are and hope to be !"

-- Joseph B. Haston

"Not alone for harvest's yield, though great may be the treasure, should we give thanks, but for all the things God gives us without measure.

The simple everyday delights of living, food, and fire; a sheltering roof, a bed at night, and for our heart's desire the love of family, and friends through days that we are sharing.

The opportunities we have to help at burden-bearing.

So many splendid things to do to add to gracious living; so many grateful prayers to pray to God for all His giving.

Let this Thanksgiving Day bring God gratitude for everything!"

-- Grace Noll Crowell

So, let every day be a Day-Of-Thanksgiving to God!

Dr. Don Kuehle is a retired United Methodist minister who lives in Jackson. Opinions are those of the author.

Religion on 11/16/2017