Cain's Kids

In the Book of Genesis we find the story of two brothers, Cain and Abel. Both bring offerings to god; God accepts Abel's offering, but rejects Cain's offering. Cain becomes very angry! He feels anger towards God, and bitter and resentful towards his brother. Cain's anger leads him to murder his brother! Perhaps that's why God made it a Divine Law: " You shall not murder -- anyone for any reason!" Jesus expanded on that Law: "Whoever is angry with another without just cause, has already committed murder in his heart." We have thousands of Cain's kids, his descendents, with us today.

People become angry for a variety of reasons: (A) when they lose; (B) when they feel rejected; (C) when they don't get their way; (D) when they fail; and (E) when they feel threatened. The problem with anger is that it begins with our thoughts; as we think, so we become. Angry thoughts lead to angry words. And angry words lead to angry acts that seek to destroy those we're angry with -- they lead to hatred, to violence, to abuse, and to murder!

Hate speech is always destructive! We are personally responsible for our words. Hate speech most always leads to the senseless killing of innocent people! Hollywood celebrities talk about blowing up the White House; about killing the President. The Black Lives Matter folks boast about killing white policemen; and it happens. A college professor tells his class of students: "All Republicans should be lined up and killed." And someone took him seriously! Hate speech, and the violence that follows, is un-Godly, un-American, and has no place in a civilized society. What is truly sad, and sickening, is that too many people are actually celebrating the killing of another human being!

What can we do? (A) we can pray for those who are consumed with hatred and anger; (B) we can censor those who engage in hate speech; (C) we can withdraw our support from those who persist in hateful speech and actions (D) we can recommend they take an Anger Management Course. Anger and hatred always lead to destruction and death.

Enough is enough! ! ! It's time to put a stop to all the hate speech; it's time to let people know that such speech is no longer acceptable in our society!

-- Dr. Don Kuehle is a retired United Methodist minister who lives in Jackson. Opinions are those of the author.

Religion on 06/22/2017