I Thank God For His Presence

Don't know if you realized it or not but last week there was a show in the sky at night. The annual Perseid meteor shower delighted stargazers with an amazing display of meteors flashing across the sky. One night I stayed up a little past bedtime and just sat out in the front yard staring at the sky hoping to see glimpses of the meteors dashing across the night sky.

I did see a few but was probably not patient enough, or awake enough, to stay the course to see the best show. I did get the chance to watch a deer walk within a few feet as it made its way through our yard, not even noticing my presence. Our "ferocious" watchdog was on the back porch and didn't alert me but I'm pretty sure that she was keeping us safe from marauding squirrels and rabbits so that's OK.

It was nice to sit in the quietness of the dark front yard and just stare up into the sky at the stars. I do like to sit on the back patio sometimes at night and drink in the sounds of the night, but to just stare into the stars not so much. Watching the stars I can feel God's presence and I know that regardless of what happens in life, there is a God that surrounds me, and all of us, with His love.

I don't understand how someone can view our sky and the stars and planets and not believe in an awesome and powerful God. In my human mind, I can't comprehend God and how all this has happened but I also cannot comprehend nor accept the concept that all creation was the result of some accident. No one can truthfully answer the questions of how we came to be -- but staring into the sky I do know that it was not an accident.

I may ponder the questions of our creation, but by faith I accept that which I cannot explain and walk daily with my God knowing that He is in control of all. Thinking about such things puts pretty much everything else in life in proper perspective. Health, wealth and power are things that drive human existence but all pale in comparison to the greater scheme of the world.

I readily admit that I get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and worry about things that are meaningless. Such is the fate of man and all are susceptible to worry and pettiness. But, I also believe that God calls us to be productive and that life is for living. If we sit on a mountain all of our life and contemplate the meaning of life we will find out all too soon that our lives are over and we haven't truly lived.

All this deep philosophical monologue means is that we have to be engaged in this world and be about God's work. But, in all things we seek to accomplish, we need to keep our eyes on what is truly important and what is not. All of us get so absorbed by the "urgent" that we allow the "important" in life to take second place.

I guess it was worth a little less sleep to spend a few minutes sitting out in a dark yard staring into the sky for God to speak to my heart and give me another opportunity to put things into perspective. It seems that He has to do that to me quite a lot. Of course, as Todd reminds me, it's OK to be human.

My journey over the last few months has given me greater empathy for others going through health problems. Unless you have walked the path that others are walking, you can't truly understand what they are feeling and experiencing. It's similar to looking at pictures of an exotic location. You can visualize it in your mind, but until you actually go there you can't fully understand and appreciate the experience.

All of us have journeys that we are taking -- whether it be health or financial, family problems or work, or anything else that life throws at us. I believe that God uses us in our situations to support others that need someone walking beside them. My prayer is that each of us understands the responsibility that God has bestowed on us to reach out to those that need a shoulder to cry on, a friend to listen or whatever they may need at their time of need. Through that we can truly live a life that is worth living.

Next week I will be back on my soapbox but, for now, I thank God for his presence and for a life that I need to live more fully.

-- Kevin Wilson is a former state representative who lives in Goodman.

Religion on 08/20/2015