Goodman Council Holds Tax Hearing

The Goodman council meeting on Aug. 18 began with a public hearing regarding the setting of the 2015 tax levy at 0.0625 cents per $100 valuation on real estate and personal property.

Mayor Greg Richmond read Ordinances 2015-462 and 2015-472 setting the 2015 tax levy. Both ordinances were approved by the council. The ordinances need to be voted on twice and have to be approved by Sept. 1.

Old Business

Repairs to the city park on Barlow Street were discussed. Total cost of the park repairs was set by the judge at $2,754.72 which includes the carport, table and labor to remove old materials.

The council approved spending $605 for plumbing repair at the ball park.

New Business

Police Chief Curt Drake reported he has been working on a block grant which will be used to purchase body cameras needed by the police department.

David Brodie, city supervisor, reported that the pump for the sewer treatment plant is being repaired.

Richmond said bug spraying in Goodman will resume after the rains subside after the next few days.

Paula Brodie, city clerk, noted that she placed the six-month budget comparisons in the council members' packets.

Bills, including transfers in the amount of $52,089.80 were approved by the council.

Community on 08/20/2015