Pushing The Limit

Our service on this Lord's Day began with prayer and songs of praise. The last song was very dear to all who believe. The title says it all, "Whosoever Meaneth Me."

I'm so glad he included each and everyone who will call upon his name. Our special songs were very inspiring. Bro. Carl Cartwright sang a song with special words that stirred the spirit within. Some of the words were "here am I Lord, hide me in Your love." His love will cause us to rejoice. The next words were "here am I longing for you." Do we really long for His presence? It is so easy to forget that He is ever with us. The word tells us He dwells in the midst of our praise. He makes it so simple! The next song was called "I have found the way." As he always does, Brother Randy Richardson gave us a song full of love and spirit. We are so blessed with our singers and musicians. They are always ready to give God the glory.

After prayer for the needs made known, the service was turned over to Pastor Bob Cartwright. He first welcomed Sister Bonnie Bivens who was visiting. Then he went on to say she was one of his congregation in 1976. We were so glad to have her and pray a special blessing upon her. Pastor then told us the title of his message, "Pushing the Limit." He spoke of the condition of the moral problems we face today.

In Matthew, Chapter 24, Verses 21 and 22, we find the statement, "tribulation such as was not seen from the beginning of time." The next verse tells us "that unless the days be shortened, no flesh will be saved. for his chosen ones he will shorten the days. He did not come to destroy, but to save his children."

In Genesis, Chapter 6, Verses 4 and 5, we are reminded that today is very much like it was in the days of Noah. Look at the news, it is so full of pain and lawless acts such as never before. Why? Because people are pushing to the limit. They have no regard for what they have been taught by the word of God. Don't get me wrong, there are many good saints still walking uprightly before God. These are those who love the Lord and keep his commandments.

I Corinthians, Chapter 6, Verses 19 and 20 tells us "we are the temple of the Holy Ghost, bought with a price." That price was the life of our dear Savior. He willingly made the ultimate sacrifice.

In II Timothy, we are told that "there will be some who have a form of godliness but denying the power. We should be aware that God will push us to the limit just to bring us to the point of repentance." But sadly God is being pushed by the evil in our world today. He wants so for us to turn from the ways that will lead us to life of pain and unhappiness. Some say how can I push God, He's in control, remember He created us a free moral agent. We make our own choices. We see many who have chosen a path that leads the wrong direction, bringing shame to our Savior. He wants to make a difference in our lives, just hear that still small voice that speaks to you and obey. Don't push God to a place of judgment upon our lives. That time will one day come, but should not be in this life. Yes, He will forgive us but we should not repeat the same wrong ways over and over.

Again Pastor Bob asks, "Am I pushing God?" We cannot serve two masters, we are told, "choose this day whom you will serve." At this time we were asked to recite a prayer asking God to help us to be all that he has called us to be. We were then dismissed by Sister Naomi Cartwright. She prayed that we will all allow God to work in our lives, therefore having a great week.

We at The Cove Mission of Hope pray you will also have a joyful time in the Lord. If you are in Lanagan on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. or 6 p.m., we invite you to join us.

Before I forget, I would like to say we were so glad to see Sister Gloria's daughter, Rhonda Gibson. We miss her when she's not with us. Hope to see you soon. God bless all who come.

Religion on 04/16/2015