Two Times God Sighed

A wonderful promise in the special as the choir brought us "Eastern Gate" (I will meet you over there in the morning at the Eastern Gate...")

We celebrated the return of Jodi Hartman and Elaine Tillman. It is so good to have them back to be embraced by their church family. So many in our church family needing prayer. How blessed we are to have people who care. We had a report on the progress and updating of the nursery. We anticipate we will have more volunteers as our nursery and toddlers classes expand. There will be no men's breakfast Saturday, instead all men are invited to a camp out at Roaring River on Sept. 5-6. Come together, bring your sons, your father, your grandfather and friends.

Dr. Crawford brought the message, "Two Times God Sighed" from Mark 7:31-37. He reminded us we need to pay attention; we need to be careful as we read our Bible, sometimes we miss some important things. He referred to Mark 5:9-15 and painted a clear picture why it is important that we go and tell others what Jesus has done for us. Everyone, he assured us, should be able to talk about what Jesus has done for them. We need to thank God for whomever invited us to church, we owe it to someone else to invite. He talked about a sigh. The sound of burdens, between frustration, sadness and tears. As Jesus felt for us, we want to warn others and save them from making mistakes. Jesus had mercy, compassion and grace. Thank God we have someone who understands. It is important that you know that you don't have to go through hard times alone.

Remember that AWANA starts Wednesday, Sept. 3. Call the church at 417-223-4433 or 417-223-1070 if you need transportation. You might want to check out the church library located in the Fellowship Hall Office and be sure to tune your radio to KURM 100.3 FM at 8:30 a.m. Sunday mornings to hear Dr. Crawford speaking the truth in love.

For more information visit or join us on East 5th Street, just off the northeast corner of the square in Pineville, just behind U.S Bank.

Religion on 08/28/2014