Saturday's Child Must Work For A Living

"Monday's child is fair of face,

Tuesday's child is full of grace,

Wednesday's child is full of woe,

Thursday's child has far to go,

Friday's child is loving and giving,

Saturday's child has to work for a living."

I don't recall the day of the week on which I was born; most of us don't. I do feel, most times, like Saturday's child; I have to work for a living.

People have differing attitudes about work. Some want to work, and can't. Some don't want to work, and must. Some find work to be a drudgery; they hate their job. Others find great joy and satisfaction in their work. What makes the difference? The difference is our relationship with God!

When I was growing up on the farm, I would come home from school and mom would say, "Your dad's working in the field and wants you to come and help him." I didn't always go cheerfully and willingly. But I went anyway and did the work my dad asked me to do. I worked hard, and often did enjoy the work, because I loved and respected my dad.

Our Heavenly Father is working in his world. He calls us to come and work with him. The grain is ripe; the fields are ready for the harvest. There's a lot of work to be done; the volunteer laborers are few. The work is often hard and the hours are long. We don't always do God's work willingly and cheerfully. Yet, because we love and respect our Heavenly Father, we go and do what he asks of us. And amazingly, we find joy and satisfaction in the work God calls us to.

Every work can be regarded as sacred and holy when done in the spirit of love and respect. The factory worker or miner who does his or her best and is considerate of co-workers, preaches a great sermon about the boss they work for. The teacher who cares about the students, inside and outside the classroom, teaches them about the goodness and graciousness of the great teacher. Those who work in hospitals and nursing homes bring God's healing touch to those who are hurt and lonely. The farmer who uses good management practices gives an example of the wise use of God's resources.

Husbands and wives and children who work at creating a Christian family provide a model for every family to copy. Whatever work we do, consider that work important in God's scheme of things! Whatever work we must do, let us do it well, as if we were doing it for the Great Creator! Let us do our work because we love the Lord God, because we care about the people around us, and because through our work we can make a positive difference in this world! And in the process we will find satisfaction and joy in being "Saturday's child!"

Religion on 08/21/2014