Focus On God, Not Circumstances

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hilltop Mission Church Sunday school service opened in prayer by Mark Alumbaugh. Tara Stephens, with Megan Yotter on the piano, led the congregation in singing before classes assembled.

The adult class, led by Mark, studied from Colossians 2:6-15.

Mark welcomed the congregation to the church service and reminded us of the special Valentine service Wednesday, Feb. 13. Everyone is encouraged to write a love letter to God or to someone else. A few will be selected to read before the church. Snacks will be served after the service.

Jack Harp and Bill Thomas received the tithes and offerings after the children collected the moneys during the penny drill for our missionary.

Several in the congregation are out due to sickness, including our Pastor Scott Leonard, and they were lifted up in prayer along with the other prayer requests.

Tara Stephens, with Megan Yotter on the piano, led us in praising the Lord by singing the following hymns: “Love Lifted Me,” “In the Garden” and “Sweet Hour of Prayer.”

Mark introduced Larry Curtis as our guest speaker. Larry asked, “What is love? How do we apply it to our life? No greater love than to lay down your life for a friend and Jesus willingly gave His life for us.”

Larry’s message was taken from Ephesians 6:10-17 and is about putting on “The whole armor of God.”

Mark closed the service in prayer.

Charlotte Spencer gave the lesson Sunday night, about how we all murmur at times. The Israelite’s murmured against Moses and God on their journey from Egypt to the promised land.

We were reminded to keep our focus on God and not on our circumstances. We must be part of the solution and not of the problem, as we must all be ambassadors of God.

We are a non-denominational church located approximately 2.5 miles west of Anderson on Route F Pastor Scott can be reached by calling 417-540-6573.